Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Givin' it a Whirl!

I am about to embark on a journey. One that will hopefully fulfill my creative needs, give me something to work on that's just for me and oh yes some money would be nice please:) I'm a firm believer that money doesn't buy happiness but it sure does make life more comfortable!   I am the momma of 2 remarkably delicious littles that I've had the privilege of staying home with for the past almost 5 years!  My amazing husband works his cute little butt off to keep our family afloat and keep me at home to raise our little darlings.

In the next couple of years the kids will be in school full time (which makes me gag a bit). I am determined to find a way to be "home" yet work (doing something I love) to help my awesome little family thrive. If I am being totally honest here a typical 9-5 job will completely and utterly crush my soul!  I know that sounds dramatic but it's the truth! Therefor I MUST make this work.  Now is the perfect time to attempt my new venture. I'm still at home with the kids (2 and 4yrs. old) and since they're not bitty babies anymore I've got a little, I repeat little more time and a lot more brain power.  Sleep is a really really good thing! Success will only make me a better mom & wife. So it's a win win! Right;)

So here folks is where the journey begins...

I am a crafter, a creator and a passionate party maker. I love taking things that inspire me and turning them into pieces of art, a craft or party decoration. I often find myself thumbing through catalogues thinking I can just make that! Well now it's time I put my thoughts, creativity and skills to the test!

I adore my children and will forever be a kid at heart.  I loved decorating their nurseries and dreaming of ways to enhance and decorate their little lives.  So...my plan is... to design and create decor for spaces where little ones dwell. I have a laundry list of projects to try and some that are already in progress.  I love to craft and I'm super excited (yes I am aware I'm a dork;)  I'll blog about each project and all the steps I take to work towards owning a successful and exciting craft business.

TODAY I will start to create my little corner of the world...
 I will call this land... 

And so by proclamation of the fairy queen I declare today the first of many to be filled with imagination, decoration and inspiration 
for little ones everywhere!

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